The Specialist Quizzes are for individuals and comprise 50 questions across two papers, each of 25 questions.
We choose different genres for each event.
They are catogorised as Populist (P) or High Brow (HB).
The six categories for Quiz Olympiad III are:
Includes all manifestations of the digital world such as famous companies / entrepreneurs, apps, memes, internet fads, video games, programming, software features, websites, AI and other technologies.
History of motion pictures. Includes art-house, blockbusters, franchises and B-movies. Actors, directors, producers, companies, production crew. Includes cinematographic effects, film prizes, evolution of cinema.
Includes food and drink from around the world, historical culinary traditions, famous dishes, renowned chefs and restaurants, food preparations and techniques. Ranges between world class cuisine to fast food.
Charts-based pop music from 1950 onwards, performers, writers, producers, albums, record labels, recording studios, instruments, historic venues, concerts and festivals. Includes African and Asian pop but not jazz or stage musicals.
Sporting events, athletes, sports from around the world, major sporting events, sport organizers, companies mainly associated with sports, includes eSports and chess. Does not include video games, board games, pastimes.
Television programmes from past and present presenters, actors, awards, music (in context), people and businesses making television – broadcasters, directors, writers etc. (not camera/studio technicians).
The six categories for Quiz Olympiad III are:
Physical geography, including mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Human geography, including cities, boundaries, canals, other man-made constructions, National Parks and their history. Historical geography.
All aspects of literature including novels, prose, poetry and graphic novels, writers, publishers and plays but not stage productions.
Exact sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology, astronomy. Includes scientific principles, scientists, scientific methods. Does not include social sciences and pseudo sciences such as astrology.
Human history, from the dawn of civilization to current events. Includes conflicts, treaties, everyday life, famous historical people, historical sources, politics. Does not include history of science nor history of art.
Animal kingdom, plants, trees, fungi, bacteria, the cycle of life, animal behaviour. Includes extinct creatures, but does not include biology, biochemistry, national parks, or geography.
Artistic expressions throughout history. Includes painting, sculpture, architecture, conceptual art, video art, ready-mades, street art, art festivals, art movements, schools of art, museum, galleries, famous artists.